Azim Premji Quotations
Azim Premji Quotes about:
Build Quotes
There are three lessons in philanthropy - one, involve the family, especially the spouse. She can be a remarkable driver of your initiative. Two, you need to build an institution, and you need to scale it up. Choose a leader for philanthropy whom you trust. Three, philanthropy needs patience, tenacity and time.
Inspirational Quotes
I was 21 and had spent the last few years in Stanford University Engineering School at California. Many people advised me to take up a nice, cushy job rather than face the challenges of running a hydrogenated oil business. Looking back, I am glad I decided to take charge instead. Essentially leadership begins from within. It is a small voice that tells you where to go when you feel lost. If you believe in that voice, you believe in yourself.
Cash Quotes
For us Japan is a much higher priority. We find there are challenges in China -- the stability of people, intellectual property, uncertain cash flows. They are hard-working people but they don't have democracy. When they have a transition to democracy there are going to be huge challenges.
Came Quotes
The public/private partnerships are taking various forms in India. It is individuals who are socially oriented are setting up schools. They're setting up colleges. They're setting up universities. They're setting up primary-education schools in the villages, particularly the villages their original families came from.