You'll almost certainly spend all the rest of your pay, but your daily expenses will adjust themselves, magically, to the amount of money in your account. You will budget mentally, without having to write everything down.
Term rates keep dropping and dropping and dropping; it's just amazing.
If you have a 19 percent credit card and you pay it off you make 19 percent on your money. If you have a 25 percent credit card and you pay it off, you're making 25 percent on your money - guaranteed!
If your eight times income is half a million dollars and you have two kids, you'd add another $200,000, so you'd have a $700,000 policy. That sounds like a lot, but when it's term insurance it is actually cheap.
Call your credit-card company and see if they'll lower your interest rate on your debts.
And it doesn't stop there. You just stay in the fund and as you get older and older it gradually becomes a pure income fund.