Robert Redford Quotations
Robert Redford Quotes about:
Point Break Quotes
I'm interested in that thing that happens where there's a breaking point for some people and not for others. You go through such hardship, things that are almost impossibly difficult, and there's no sign that it's going to get any better, and that's the point when people quit. But some don't.
Animal Quotes
The way you really find out about the performer's seriousness about the cause is how long they stay with it when the spotlight gets turned off. You see a lot of celebrities switch gears. They go from the environment to animal rights to obesity or whatever. That I don't have a lot of respect for.
Kids Quotes
I have a lot of land. I bought it because I had a very strong feeling. I was in my early twenties, and I had grown up in Los Angeles and had seen that city slide off into the sea from the city I knew as a little kid. It lost its identity - suddenly there was cement everywhere and the green was gone and the air was bad - and I wanted out.
Affects Quotes
It felt to me like America was always wanting to resolve things too quickly, without thinking through what the costs and consequences would be and how that affects an individual living in that world. Then as I grew up and went about my life, I think I just got more and more interested in that gray area where things are not so easily quantified.
Lying Quotes
All of the films that I've made are about the country I live in and grew up in... And I think if you're going to put an artist's eye to it, you're going to put a critical eye to it. I've always been interested in the gray area that exists between the black and white, or the red and blue, and that's where complexity lies.
Bear Quotes
We were at 10,000 feet in Utah and I was running out of gas. I was in boots that were leather-soled. The bear was closing in. Now, he's supposed to be playing. Once I started to run, he got really excited. Pretty soon he was chasing me. And I said if this guy gets me, his idea of play is going to be the end of me. So I threw the rifle out and got on that tree so fast. Now, once it was done, I mean, I was sweating bullets. I said, not again. Not again.