Henry David Thoreau Moon Quotations
Henry David Thoreau Quotes about:
Moon Quotes from:
- All Moon Quotes
- Buzz Aldrin
- William Shakespeare
- Rumi
- Neil Degrasse Tyson
- Neil Armstrong
- Henry David Thoreau
- Stephenie Meyer
- Gene Cernan
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Oscar Wilde
- E E Cummings
- William Butler Yeats
- J R R Tolkien
- John Milton
- Matsuo Basho
- Ray Bradbury
- Tom Robbins
- Alan Shepard
- Sylvia Plath
- Charles Dickens
Travel Quotes
Is not the midnight like Central Africa to most of us? Are we not tempted to explore it,--to penetrate to the shores of its Lake Tchad, and discover the source of its Nile, perchance the Mountains of the Moon? Who knows what fertility and beauty, moral and natural, are to be found? In the Mountains of the Moon, in the Central Africa of the night, there is where all Niles have their hidden heads. The expeditions up the Nile as yet extend but to the Cataracts, or perchance to the mouth of the White Nile; but it is the black Nile that concerns us.
Mean Quotes
Men talk glibly enough about moonshine, as if they knew its qualities very well, and despised them; as owls might talk of sunshine,--none of your sunshine!--but this word commonly means merely something which they do not understand,--which they are abed and asleep to, however much it may be worth their while to be up and awake to it.
Nature Quotes
For my part, I feel that with regard to Nature I live a sort of border life, on the confines of a world, into which I make occasional and transient forays only, and my patriotism and allegiance to the state into whose territories I seem to retreat are those of a moss-trooper. Unto a life which I call natural I would gladly follow even a will-o'-the-wisp through bogs and sloughs unimaginable, but no moon nor fire-fly has shown me the cause-way to it. Nature is a personality so vast and universal that we have never seen one of her features.