Neil Armstrong Moon Quotations
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- Buzz Aldrin
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- Neil Degrasse Tyson
- Neil Armstrong
- Henry David Thoreau
- Stephenie Meyer
- Gene Cernan
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Oscar Wilde
- E E Cummings
- William Butler Yeats
- J R R Tolkien
- John Milton
- Matsuo Basho
- Ray Bradbury
- Tom Robbins
- Alan Shepard
- Sylvia Plath
- Charles Dickens
Science Quotes
The [Moon] surface is fine and powdery. I can kick it up loosely with my toe. It does adhere in fine layers like powdered charcoal to the sole and sides of my boots. I only go in a small fraction of an inch, maybe an eighth of an inch, but I can see the footprints of my boots and the treads in the fine sandy particles.
Views Quotes
The view of the moon that we've been having recently is really spectacular. It fills about three-quarters of the hatch window, and of course we can see the entire circumference even though part of it is in complete shadow and part of it is in earthshine. It's a view worth the price of the trip.
Powerful Quotes
Space has not changed but technology has, in many cases, improved dramatically. A good example is digital technology where today's cell phones are far more powerful than the computers on the Apollo Command Module and Lunar Module that we used to navigate to the moon and operate all the spacecraft control systems.
Goal Quotes
The exciting part for me, as a pilot, was the landing on the moon. That was the time that we had achieved the national goal of putting Americans on the moon. The landing approach was, by far, the most difficult and challenging part of the flight. Walking on the lunar surface was very interesting, but it was something we looked on as reasonably safe and predictable. So the feeling of elation accompanied the landing rather than the walking.