Besides Quotations
Besides Quotes from:
Absolutely Quotes
The hardest achievement in acting - in my opinion, anyway - is nailing a role that absolutely nobody else could have played. Pacino owned Michael Corleone... but DeNiro could have owned it as well. Who else, though, but Val Kilmer could have nailed Jim Morrison? Does anyone besides Will Ferrell pull off Ron Burgundy?
Bill Quotes
Besides the healthcare bill being unconstitutional and a great expansion of federal government, I think if it does not respect people's individual religious views and makes groups or individuals do things that are contrary to their deeply held beliefs, there is going to be a visceral negative reaction.
Central Quotes
When I thought about Detroit, I would think big city, very urban - not a lot of places to walk around, not a lot of parks. I sort of pictured Manhattan almost, where, besides Central Park, it's all city and big buildings. But now that I'm here, you see people pushing strollers, people hanging out in the park.
Criminal Quotes
Rather than use the term 'profiling,' the profilers prefer to say they engage in criminal investigative analysis. That is because, besides developing profiles, the analysts offer a range of other advice, including personality assessments and interview techniques tailored to a particular offender.
Changed Quotes
The cosmic game changed forever in 1992. Before then, logic told us that there had to be other planets besides the nine (if you still count poor Pluto) in our solar system, but until that year, when two astronomers detected faint, telltale radio signals in the constellation Virgo, we had no hard evidence of their existence.
Effect Quotes
I just watch movies I like over and over. It seems to be a lot of sci-fi stuff. My favorites are probably - besides the first two 'Alien' films, I watch '2001', I watch 'Star Wars', the first ones, because those actually had a huge effect on me as well, 'Empire Strikes Back' especially.
Aboriginal Quotes
At the close of my visit, my Hawaiian friends urged me strongly to publish my impressions and experiences, on the ground that the best books already existing, besides being old, treat chiefly of aboriginal customs and habits now extinct, and of the introduction of Christianity and subsequent historical events.
Ask Quotes
I've been doing acting since I was 6 years old, and I don't know how to do anything besides act and sing. Back in the day, you had to do it all - you had to sing, dance, and act. I'm from the old school where that is what I was trained to do, and that's what I am expected to do, so it's weird when people ask me to choose.
Benefits Quotes
Your normal Wall Street big-swinging Richard has enough of a lingering moral compass to at least tell himself that his wizardry benefits somebody or something besides himself. You know, his cleverness makes capital markets more efficient. It provides credit to productive enterprise. Whatever.
Build Quotes
We're hoping to build on last year. Our goal is to get by the second round of the tournament and to be competitive with some of the big teams in the SCC and get into the SCC tournament. We want to capitalize on our experience. These guys all have a lot of time as varsity players last year. We are working on solidifying our defense. We're hoping we can get a couple of guys besides Matt to score some goals. If we do those things, we should be all right.
Acting Quotes
The only other thing I can really remember wanting to do besides acting was a gas station attendant. At the time, that seemed like a great job - wash the windows, pump the gas - it looks so cool coming home with black hands. There's a natural transition, from wanting to be a gas station attendant to being an actor, right?
Developed Quotes
She has a lot of strengths, besides being such a tireless worker, she has developed a very strong shot, I am waiting for her to rip one in from the outside. She also has a knack for being in the right spot at the right time. Part of it is field sense and the other part is being willing to do the work and actually make the run.
Blow Quotes
My main gripe with suicide bombers, besides the fact that they usually aren't on my side of an issue, is that they don't really do it with any showmanship. They just walk in, usually hunched over and wearing ugly clothes, and BOOMO! They blow themselves, and others, up. Why can't we see some dude run in wearing just a cowboy hat and chaps, spank at one of his ass cheeks and yell, "I got enough C4 in my ass to level a city block! Wooooooooo!" and then blow up.
Block Quotes
My cure for writer's block is to step away from the thing I'm stuck on, usually a novel, and write something totally different. Besides fiction, I write poetry, screenplays, essays and journalism. It's usually not the writing itself that I'm stuck on, but thing I'm trying to write. So I often have four or five things going at once.
Angry Quotes
Nobody in their right mind would say, 'Hmmm, what a great guy,' ... He's not your average sociopath. But I've tried to find things in him that a viewer can identify with. He's so ? well, clumsy is a nice word for it. And besides that, I made the choice that he's very, very angry about something. People can relate to that.
Artificial Quotes
One of the differences between real documentaries and reality television, besides the artificial construct of reality television, is that the people who are recruited to be on those shows, and the people who are interested in going on those shows, basically want to be famous. Or maybe they can win a million dollars or something.
Glad Quotes
I was really young when I swam at Ridgewood. I don't remember much besides that I was a little kid who was happy to be out of school for the summer. But I do remember Peter from swimming there and from going to school with him. I'm really glad I got to know all those guys growing up, and its really great to still see (Peter) at meets, even if it's only three times a year.