Blossom Quotations
Blossom Quotes from:
Athletes Quotes
She's one of those athletes that whatever sport she picks up, she's going to be good at. In track and field, she's going to be great. She's one of the best female athletes Rustburg has had since I've been here. Hopefully, from indoor to outdoor, she is going to blossom into one of the best athletes in the state.
Aggressive Quotes
He was a lot more aggressive (Thursday) looking to create something off the dribble. I look for him to blossom as the year goes on. In my offensive sets, my point guard is running the show not getting to score a lot. You don't get much glory, but a team can't win without a good point guard.
Beautiful Quotes
He knows the secrets of the sea, of the woods and of the vineyard. They are simple and natural worlds, beautiful and varied. He prefers them to the concrete and hard worlds built by other men. Ideas blossom very quickly, and then they are very painstakingly realized and evolved. His many harvests of thought go on and on, and the origins emanate from things as simple as a golden bluebell. Like a positive parent he gives love at the moment of creation, bowing to the beautiful things that he originates.
Broke Quotes
I think this team really started to blossom in January. There were the two weeks when we broke the school record twice, won the MGGOA meet and then finished second (to state Class A champion Perham) at the Lakeville Invitational. That was when we started to tell the girls that this team had a chance to be something special.
Ask Quotes
When you're dealing with someone like Shirley, it's a little insulting to ask her to come in for a meeting. But I wanted to meet her first and talk to her about the character, because there was a very big 'if' on it for me. Shirley is such a powerful presence, personality and talent, and she has used that power effectively over a long and rich career. But I wanted to know she would be able to put a damper on all of that and go to a very quiet place to play this character who is literally hiding from life, who has put a lid on everything because of her guilt, her fear and her unresolved issues. If Shirley could go to that kind of a place, and then blossom as her character's life broadens, I thought it would be very exciting.
Build Quotes
This is the year they establish a benchmark. We don't know what kind of participants or spectators it will draw. We'll have to wait until after the event to measure what kind of impact it had. I think it's very important to be a quality event, and then build on it. ... Look at the Cherry Blossom Festival. ... It's not practical to think huge in the first year. It's something you have to grow.
Abundance Quotes
The finest gift you can give anyone is encouragement. Yet, almost no one gets the encouragement they need to grow to their full potential. If everyone received the encouragement they need to grow, the genius in most everyone would blossom and the world would produce abundance beyond the wildest dreams. We would have more than one Einstein, Edison, Schweitzer, Mother Theresa, Dr. Salk and other great minds in a century.
Against Quotes
The first game, he was just developing as a starting tight end and wasn't quite there yet. And between that time and the time we saw him the second time, I've never seen a guy blossom like that. He went to the No. 1 receiving tight end in football in the space of our first game and the second game. . . . He was incredible. We caught a day where the weather wasn't too good (in December), and that helped us. And we played hard against him. But he's very good. He's a major-league talent.