I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism.
Neither praise or blame is the object of true criticism. Justly to discriminate, firmly to establish, wisely to prescribe, and honestly to award. These are the true aims and duties of criticism.
They have vilified me, they have crucified me; yes, they have even criticized me.
Somehow I took whatever criticism there was very much to heart.
It is easier to be critical than correct.
The Post's icon status was earned through hard work and nerve under fire, not through fear of criticism,
We started the event with 12 teams but reduced it to a 10-team event following criticism there was too much disparity between the top 10 and the 11th and 12th teams.
What he's saying may be good press criticism but I'm not sure it's good law.
Years like that make you hungrier, make you humble. The criticism has come a little bit stronger, come more often. I understand why. We've won four championships, a lot of races. We've prided ourselves on being competitive every year. When we're not, we recognize as well as everybody we're having an off year.
We reject any criticism, any allegations that our human rights efforts have diminished.
to protect themselves against criticism or to criticize others.
Lew didn't shirk from that (criticism). He was not the guy out in front of the pack identifying the next big thing. But he was exceptional at picking the best ideas out of a bunch. ... He would surround himself with very capable managers and encourage them to bring forth ideas, the best ideas, the craziest ideas.
Last year, we were criticized for the simplicity of the maps. This is the sort of quality with maps that we demanded when I was with Rand McNally.
Let's face it, there was a lot of criticism when he started in New York. I've been saying, if that would have ruined his career, then he's not the guy we thought he was anyway. And we've all seen first-hand that's not the case.
She shaped American film criticism for generations to come and, more important, the national understanding of the movies,
One ought to examine himself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others.
One of our weaknesses is the way we take and adapt to criticism. Our reaction has not been positive. We need to be a public and visible organization and an active organization within the community.
Maybe they weren't punks at all, but New York drama critics.
Now, things have gone bad and I think the press criticism has crystallized. You saw it in Iraq, and the response to Hurricane Katrina and social security reform.
No American soldier should be allowed to se t foot on Iranian soil, regardless of the criticism we have of the Iranian government.
Never trust the artist. Trust the tale. The proper function of a critic is to save the tale from the artist who created it.
One of the first and most important things for a critic to learn is how to sleep undetected in the theater.
I believe that the fact that I became the lightning rod for criticism for the organization, with me being out of the picture so to speak, makes things easier in that respect, ... But I look at the last three years. The last time this franchise had 86 or more-wins three straight years was '78, '79 and '80. We didn't get to the postseason, but I'm walking away with pride in the effort I put into this job.
Because of the position I am on the team and the situation we have I'm going to take some criticism when we lose and probably even when we win,
Fox simply has an immunity to a lot of criticism, ... The base who's watching has already signed up; they're loyal. And the only place they're going to hear about criticism of Fox News is on Fox News.
I expect it (criticism). I would do the same thing. My wife is the most critical. She said, 'This is ridiculous...' But you have two choices - not to do it or do it.
I get real upset when I hear criticism about Ron.
If the African Union is to have a strong voice it has to foster constructive criticism, not bury it.
We're one of those teams that gets criticized even when we win. In the end, though, I'm smart enough to recognize all that we overcame down here in this atmosphere and still came away with a victory.
He received criticism from the media, he received criticism from different people, but it wasn't from anyone in this locker room. It wasn't from anyone in the coaching staff, because we believed in him and believed that he had the right intent.
He's always been his toughest critic. He'll grade out at 97 percent and he's sitting there worrying about the 3 percent he did wrong. That's what makes great athletes and great people, in general, when you're worried about getting better. You're aiming at perfection.
He's been such a lightning rod for criticism, oftentimes for things that were clearly not in his purview to make better. If theme park attendance goes down because of 9/11, is that Michael's fault?
He could avoid constant criticism that he is never here,
Joey Porter is getting criticism based on what he (has) said throughout the playoffs. I think it's easy to criticize him because of what he said in the past. But it's not like things he said in the past weren't true. The guy speaks off the cuff; he shows you what he believes and what he thinks. That's not a bad thing.
I think the hardest part about being a teenager is dealing with other teenagers - the criticism and the ridicule, the gossip and rumors.
I think that there has been criticism directed at Schroeder from inside the party. Schroeder is doing some downgrading of the price of a grand coalition, but that doesn't mean he is completely out of the race for chancellor.
I think that the judicial system should not be open to the kind of criticism that would naturally happen if Judge Perkins remains on the case,
It is plain to me now that the Irish Producers, quite as strongly as the Critics, have neither sympathy nor understanding of my mode of playwriting.
I think we took to heart some of the criticism of our league and the fact that no one was predicting us to win. Basically, we were playing in their home environment, their home state.
I think some of this (criticism) is blown out of proportion. There's a lot they're very happy about as well.
I think that would have been a fair criticism that would have had more weight if it came a month ago.
Jeffrey catches all the criticism. But he doesn't do anything I don't tell him to do. I have to know everything he's doing. I have to know what plays he's calling and working on. So it's as much my fault as anybody's. But nobody is going to believe it, because it's your kid.
I saw criticism of the plan that the sample size isn't large enough. It's not quantity. It's quality.
Our field-goal team has really stepped up to the plate and answered all the criticism that they had. Closing out games, whether it's kicking offense or defense, that's something that we haven't done well in the past two seasons and that's something we've done well this year. Obviously, it's the difference in three or four wins.
Our quarterback position is going to take a lot of criticism, but Chris has been our guy. He has never backed down and he's done a great job.
Such criticism is most unfortunate. In matters of foreign policy, there should be continuity and bipartisan support.
My only criticism is that there is too much weight loss in the first two weeks. When it goes into the other phases of the diet, it is OK.
My reservation going into this was that no matter how good it turned out, criticism would soon follow. You can't attempt a rock classic (especially a cult band like the Velvets) and not get a few sneers. But the important thing here is that maybe we might help turn a new generation on to this amazing art rock band and change the perspectives of a few unknowing listeners.
It created a way of getting criticism directly to the doorstep of wireless companies.
Mike had been looking for a new contract and really had endured a lot of unfair criticism for holding out in Green Bay and a lot of people questioned his decision. He got the last laugh. In effect, he got traded and he got the new contact that he wanted. For those people that were knocking and ridiculing him for holding out and questioning his logic, he landed with the team that he was real excited about playing for and he landed a contract that he felt comfortable with and pays him like the elite corners in the league.
We were very concerned with that. There was a lot of criticism. But once (the skeptics) saw the show, it dried up pretty quickly. All we did was try to do the best we could to find a new singer.
You always hear criticism that when wholesale prices come down there always seems to be a delay when the retailer follows suit.
Today there will only be joy, no criticism. We have already won everything. Now for us every opponent is a good opponent. We have nothing more to lose. There is no pressure. We will enjoy the success and look forward to the quarterfinals.
Today there will only be joy, no criticism, ... We have already won everything. Now for us every opponent is a good opponent. We have nothing more to lose. There is no pressure. We will enjoy the success and look forward to the quarterfinals.
We'd like for those two guys to get settled and started and learn the offense before they are criticized.
(Voters) are not going to accept criticism as the sole source of messaging by the Democrats.
To us, it was a clear example to cut off criticism of the government.
Wal-Mart and Target have both been criticized for their eminent domain use.
We have criticized these, but the real problem, the really irrational part of what is proposed, is the material on internal accounting control.
We asked for the criticism, we welcome it, and we'll take it under consideration as we move towards implementation. We think that's good government, and we're confident the public will agree.
We're all generous, but with different things, like time, money, talent -- criticism.
There has been criticism of me from certain quarters among supporters and I can understand and respect that. It comes with the territory. Perhaps I have taken this club as far as I can and now it is time for the mantle to pass on to someone else.
We're not looking to be judged along the way. We have certainly dealt with criticism, quite a bit of it, an extensive amount of it over the last three years, and we're making decisions that are in the best interest of the fans.
We've built on that vision, ... We never varied on the course we took. . . . We took a lot of criticism, playing the type of schedule we play. But I'm very proud of the fact we stayed the course.
Every writer is necessarily a critic -- that is, each sentence is a skeleton accompanied by enormous activity of rejection; and each selection is governed by general principles concerning truth, force, beauty, and so on. The critic that is in every fabulist is like the iceberg -- nine-tenths of him is under water.
To me, he's probably the best scorer in the league. Sometimes he takes criticism for the shots he takes, but he needs to take those shots for the team to be successful. He needs a low-post player. We joke all the time that we could play together. He's a guy who's going to make a low-post player better, and vice versa.
There is always going to be criticism but I am a strong enough person to take that.
With hindsight many people who indicated criticism of GEAR would say 'there is no glory in debt'.
You look around at our team and it's tough to find a guy who hasn't been doubted or criticized in some way. They all have that as a common denominator, and it becomes part of your personality as a team.
You look around at our team, ... and it's tough to find a guy who hasn't been doubted or criticized in some way. They all have that as a common denominator, and it becomes part of your personality as a team.
When considering praise or criticism first consider the source.
Be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.
Be kind and considerate with your criticism. . . . It's just as hard to write a bad book as it is to write a good book.
Did Karl purposely set out to disclose Valerie Plame's identity in order to punish Joe Wilson for his criticism? The answer is, 'No,' ... That was his answer in July 2003 and in October 2003 (when he first testified) And it remains his answer today.
Court not the critic's smile nor dread his frown
Criticism is never nice, but you accept it because it comes with the territory. Stories that are completely unsubstantiated and untrue are another matter,
Criticism is going to come while you're injured, but you just have to work through it, stay mentally tough ... I think he has something to prove this year.
Criticism is an attack upon your very self. The effects can be profound.
Drew is always his harshest critic. Out of 80 snaps, he could have 60 good plays and 20 bad plays, and he'd beat himself up about the 20 bad ones. But he got something done that a quarterback hasn't gotten done here in a long time, and that's beat Miami.
Each member is allocated a budget that he or she can spend at his or her discretion. The same (criticism) could be said of the quality of upholstery on the office furniture or any other disbursement. ... It's public, it's disclosed, and members can defend it to their detractors.
Each generation produces its squad of ''moderns'' with peashooters to attack Gibraltar.
Everything was new to me last year. Ray criticized some things I did on the track and I'm glad he told me the truth, but I was thrown to the wolves a little bit. I feel much more comfortable out there now.
There was a lot of criticism here. Luckily, I was quickly vindicated when people saw Ozzie play.
I've been doing this for a long time. I'm used to hearing criticism.
The Yankees are still there, there are still spring training games. If that's the greatest criticism, the only answer I can give to that is that at some point in life, you've got to rise above your own selfish interests. If this sport is to (reach) the heights that we have to, you can't let your own myopic interest guide you.
I've probably gotten caught up in it more than I should have. There has been some criticism of our schedule this season and it probably wasn't as tough as it could have been. If we can keep our RPI in the low or mid-30s, I think we'd have a pretty good chance. If we go into the 40s we won't have a very good chance.
The thing I like is there?s as much bad criticism as there is good,
Terrell has received a lot of criticism, in my opinion unfairly,
Praises make the wicked deaf(they can't tolerate criticism) while people who praise become successful because of their humility.
Ramon is not an easy guy to replace. We plan to get our offense elsewhere. I've heard the criticism about our catching. These guys are not chopped liver.
The one criticism I have about Don is that he doesn't have any restraint. You make a buck, but it doesn't have to be your last buck.
So Two cheers for Democracy: one because it admits variety and two because it permits criticism. Two cheers are quite enough; there is no occasion to give three. Only Love the Beloved Republic deserves that.
One criticism I have is that I always encourage them not to get out in front of the science.
As a work of art it has the same status as a long conversation between two not very bright drunks.
A woman's flattery may inflate a man's head a little; but her criticism goes straight to his heart, and contracts it so that it can never again hold quite as much love for her
That's like a smack in the face before you even get started. I guess you can always be a critic when you're standing on the outside.
You should never assume contempt for that which it is not very manifest that you have it in your power to possess, nor does a wit ever make a more contemptible figure than when, in attempting satire, he shows that he does not understand that which he would make the subject of his ridicule.
This isn't a response to criticism. This is a response to what I see on the field,
This is not meant to be a criticism of the Kane County Transportation Division, but it is, however, meant to be a criticism of the state. The state has been dragging its feet on this.
This is nothing new for a White House having to counter its critics, particularly when the administration believes the criticism to be false. The trouble the White House encountered in this case is that some of the information was classified.