Disruption Quotations
Disruption Quotes from:
Argue Quotes
Much as Cold War nuclear strategists could argue about winning a nuclear war by having more survivors, advocates of a Global Warming War might see the United States, Western Europe, or Russia as better able to ride out climate disruption and manipulation than, say, China or the countries of the Middle East.
Avoid Quotes
What has become clear is that if society wants to avoid future disasters, it should do two things ? prevent even greater disruption to the climate system and prepare for the climate changes already set in motion. There is urgency on both fronts, reducing emissions and preparing to adapt.
Deeply Quotes
We deeply value the trust our subscribers place in us and we are working diligently to remedy this unfortunate situation. Immediate steps have been taken internally at the Globe and the Telegram & Gazette to increase subscriber credit-card security. We regret the disruption and inconvenience that this incident may cause.
Club Quotes
I would be remiss if I said there were not philosophical differences as far as the club and how we put it together, what would work and not work. The disruption and focus loss with players is not good for anyone. That's where I felt strongly that it was important to wipe the slate clean.
Approve Quotes
I believe there was a fear that damage would be done to the fire district if that were to happen, ... When you have a disruption in the continuity of the district like that, it's not good for the district and I think that's what they were thinking when they held the meeting to approve the contracts.
Alert Quotes
I would say there is a great risk as we go into the next two weeks of a very brief campaign period but certainly the U.N. and the international peacekeepers and police force here are very much on alert and will be quite quick frankly to put down any attempts to disrupt the election. I think it is everybody's concern now that there are only two candidates that some aspects of the voters in Liberia will become more polarized and thus, in some ways, the danger of some sort of election related violence or disruption is much greater now than it was prior to the 11th of October.
Bear Quotes
Preserving such a situation would mean encouraging theft on the path of our gas to Europe. Therefore, all our foreign partners are warned that, while we are doing everything possible to keep up our gas exports to Europe, Ukraine would bear all the responsibility for any possible disruption of exports.
Agreement Quotes
Our overall goal, as we've said all along, is to reach a longer-term solution that will permit greater stability in textile and apparel trade. The US has been using its right under China's WTO accession agreement to invoke safeguards in cases of market disruption or the threat of market disruption, and we will continue to do so as appropriate.
Appear Quotes
We continue to believe that the President is under some pressure to not appear anti-labor, and thus will probably not intervene until some time next week at the earliest. But despite his recent popularity with the Teamsters and the AFL-CIO, Bush will, in our view, most likely choose to protect the economy, which appears to increasingly be at risk the longer the port disruption continues.
Appear Quotes
We continue to believe that the president is under some pressure not to appear anti-labor, and thus will probably not intervene until sometime next week at the earliest, ... But despite his recent popularity with the Teamsters and the AFL-CIO, Bush will, in our view, most likely choose to protect the economy, which increasingly appears to be at risk the longer the port disruption continues.
Along Quotes
While a near-term supply disruption from Venezuela does not seem likely, the country's inability to meet its OPEC quota makes the government famously hawkish when it comes to defending an oil price floor for the group. This fact, along with a lack of foreign investment in the Venezuelan energy sector, should be seen as bullish factors for global oil prices. We do not see this changing until such time as the government adopts more favorable policies towards foreign oil companies.
Array Quotes
Yes, the disruption of the Internet can be blamed for the destruction of the business model that once made journalism a thriving, well-paying enterprise, but it has also created an array of new tools for reporting. Somebody will eventually figure out how to make online newspapers profitable - I hope.
Becomes Quotes
We're coming to a point in time when we can deliver better quality images over the Internet. All of a sudden, this idea of disruption is spreading beyond phone providers. If you think of American Idol instead broadcasting over the Internet, a new dawn has come for the broadcast space. It's more of a point where the video becomes more functional to the way one works and lives.
Accurate Quotes
We will continue to move forward in developing strategies that meet the needs of our U.S. Navy partners while causing the least disruption to Virginia Beach property owners. We remain committed to ensuring the decisions we reach in Virginia are based on accurate and objective data. We repeatedly implored the BRAC commissioners to make sure their actions in regard to the former Cecil Field were based on the same level of verifiable information and analysis that they seemingly applied when examining Oceana. I agree with Mayor Peyton that it is unfortunate the BRAC Commission's actions unfairly pitted two communities against each other.