Gaps Quotations
Gaps Quotes from:
Burns Quotes
Obama's entire foreign policy was predicated on the notion that by existing, he would bridge all gaps and bury all hatchets. Instead, the Muslim world burns his picture even as he tells them he respects their radicalism. It turns out that diversity is a one-way street for the devotees of global Islam.
Ask Quotes
If you ask me about my success story, the secret is I know when to pull myself back. I don't overexpose myself; I give proper gaps whenever I can. I do not over spend myself, I keep myself busy in lot of activities. I really work hard; I work harder than others, by focussing on my fitness level and studying music.
Both Quotes
Nonfiction is both easier and harder to write than fiction. It's easier because the facts are already laid out before you, and there is already a narrative arc. What makes it harder is that you are not free to use your imagination and creativity to fill in any missing gaps within the story.
Public Opinion Quotes
There's a big gap between public opinion polls and the vote in Washington, in Congress. The majority consciousness has changed, and often that has made very clear, practical changes in our daily lives, but the centers of power are still not occupied, for the most part, by this new consciousness.
Build Quotes
We start by looking at our customers' needs, what they currently have and determine where the gaps are. Using our toolkit, we then design, build and deploy a solution that meets those needs. In this increasingly 'on demand' world, Sudden Network Solutions enables us to rapidly and cost-effectively meet our customers' ever-evolving connectivity needs.
Ball Quotes
We have to get people on base. That's what we have to do. We have to get people on base and we have to get the big base hit. We're not doing any of that right now. We also have to start driving the ball to the gaps -- doubles. And we have to start our offense early in the inning rather than waiting for one or two outs. Those are the things we have to do and then things will fall into place. We will score runs. We will have the opportunity to score runs. We will have the opportunity to drive runs in.
Intelligent Quotes
In evolution, as in all areas of science, our knowledge is incomplete. But the entire success of the scientific enterprise has depended on an insistence that these gaps be filled by natural explanations, logically derived from confirmable evidence. Because "intelligent design" theories are based on supernatural explanations, they can have nothing to do with science.