Petty Quotations
Petty Quotes from:
Change Quotes
As I get older, I find myself getting angrier and angrier. Doubtless, change itself, not to mention physical decline and inevitable petty tragedies of disappointed expectations, would have made for resentment in any event; but I used to be a passive schoolboy, my negative impulses turned obediently inward.
Balkans Quotes
Let's make a deal with the Serbs. Neither history nor emotion in the Balkans will permit multinationalism. We have to give up on the illusion of the last eight years... Dayton isn't working. Nobody - except diplomats and petty officials - believes in a sovereign Bosnia and the Dayton accords.
Above Quotes
Leaders can express the values that hold the society together. Most important, they can conceive and articulate goals that life people out of their petty preoccupations, carry them above the conflicts that tear a society apart, and unite them in the pursuit of objectives worthy of their best efforts.
Absurd Quotes
Only this way the human life will escape its own burden, its own image, its own Destiny, the vanity, the deceit and the absurd, the strange coldness of this world, finally choosing the complete peace of the Nirvana it was looking throughout its historical evolution, a strange and absurd Nirvana itself in reference to the increasingly humble and insignificant being compared to it, to the stranger that replaces more often self and more inhumanly, that mocks her creating it a society increasingly petty and absurd. Is suicide the saving solution of the mankind? Is it not any other way through which man would chase away the alien within him, the absurd and the anxiety so that he can find his Sacred Self that was stolen so many millennia ago? What other way could there be except suicide?
Afterwards Quotes
He tries to explain why man behaves most improbably, strangely, at variance with his nature, how it is possible for instance that a calm, rather neutral petty bourgeois is all of a sudden capable of commanding a concentration camp, burning to death or gassing thousands of people, and afterwards returning to his clerk's life as if nothing happened,
Confidence Quotes
It gives you a lot of confidence knowing you've got a driver that's got a great feel (for the car) and a history of winning races and championships. He knows what it takes to be there at the end of the day. Robbie learned a lot with Jeff Gordon, and I had 10 great years with Yates and won a championship with Dale. This is a new deal and an opportunity for us as a group to take all the things we've learned and take Petty Enterprises back to the top.
Awareness Quotes
We are excited to partner with TEAM, RADD and NHTSA on this campaign, designed to raise awareness of two major safety issues -- impaired driving and seatbelt use. Richard Petty Driving Experience provides the perfect venue for the campaign's messages and incentives, particularly for reaching young men, who make up the highest risk group for motor vehicle crashes, ... The collaboration of our staff, NASCAR driver hosts and fans with the celebrities and dignitaries that represent the campaign at Richard Petty Driving Experience is exciting to see.
Coming Quotes
Coming here makes you realize that all the things you think are going wrong are really OK. Just as a person, it makes you feel you can't be that petty when a girl tells you they're the last in their bloodline. I've seen kids who've walked up the hill and back and they are coming up to me and giving me a hug.
Action Quotes
It's the Grinch who stole Christmas, ... In a petty move, the Bush administration has banned minor activities such as Christmas tree harvesting and mushroom picking to express their opposition to a judge's ruling. The action is particularly ill-timed considering the short harvest season for mushrooms and Christmas trees. Precedent clearly shows that these kind of activities are not subject to administrative appeals. The Forest Service should rescind this punitive order and allow people who rely on these activities for their livelihood to pay the bills and put food on the table.
Allow Quotes
In my opinion that is a monstrous thing. Are we living in a free British colony, or under some petty local despot? Will the people of New Zealand allow any man, even though he hold the rank of Native Minister, to ride rough-shod over the Constitution? Will they allow any man, even though he be a Minister of the Crown, to suspend trial by jury if it so pleases him?
Attempt Quotes
I am not interested in petty gossip; I am not interested in who sells the most records and the politicizing of economics that makes that possible. I am not interested in a body politic of the largely uninformed who attempt to politically designate certain people as deserving of wider recognition.