Phases Quotations
Phases Quotes from:
Choice Quotes
Color is definitely an important factor for me during all phases of producing a cover. I always start out with a loose idea of what I want to see when I'm doing my initial sketches. This choice can be informed by anything, but I usually tend to lean toward more simple color schemes... something with a very obvious push between warms and cools.
Chess Quotes
I went through a few phases of finding myself: I dabbled in musical theater, chess club, dance troupe, splatter-painting, school mascot (go Wildcats), babysitter, photojournalist, drill team girl, emo kid - and not one of them defined me, but every single one will always play a part in who I am.
Auctions Quotes
We're more familiar with what economists call an English auction - prices start low and rise as people bid. However, there is also the Dutch auction, where prices start high and go lower until somebody bites. Movies are sold to the audience via a very slow Dutch auction, where each phase between price drops can last weeks or months.
Albums Quotes
We have as many audiences as we have phases of our career. And all of us are older now. We've grown in different directions, so that the result is a band that's sometimes a little scattered -- just like it was with the original version of the band, really. ... All Chicago albums are stylistically all over the map, and that's a good thing. We can play to anyone.
Executing Quotes
We're looking at another really good football team this week in Denver. They're probably one of the hotter teams in the league right now. They're playing very well in all three phases of the game. They've been a good team to watch just because they're executing so well. They haven't had a turnover in three games.
Age And Aging Quotes
One of the most important phases of maturing is that of growth from self-centering to an understanding relationship to others. A person is not mature until he has both an ability and a willingness to see himself as one among others and to do unto those others as he would have them do to him.
Amount Quotes
Giving birth to a new medspa takes a tremendous amount of labor pain, knowledge and expertise. Just because someone may know how operate a successful business doesn't mean they can make money in the medspa business. That is why we do so well in providing assistance through the initial phases of the medspa birth process. Due to our expertise, clients pay us an ongoing monthly support fee to assist them on multiple fronts. In other words, getting you there is one thing and keep you running smoothly once you're there is another. This ongoing support fee represents a monthly recurring revenue stream for the company,
Anyone Quotes
We just haven't put it all together in the same game. If we pitch well, we don't hit. If we hit well, we don't play good defense. One of the three phases of the game has let us down for one reason or another. If we can get it all in the same game, we'll be as good as anyone else out there, we just have to make it happen.
Ball Quotes
I think any time you lose a game like today, it leaves you with an empty feeling. We played a talented team and there is a reason why that team was 15-1 last year. We knew going in that it was going to take excellent execution on our part in all three phases of our team. Unfortunately we did not get that, we turned the ball over early.
Bearing Quotes
I think every team goes through phases where they don't play quite as well, especially away from home. They probably haven't played as well in the last two games as they had been, but we've had numerous games like this as well. I don't know if the recent performances by either team will have much bearing on the game Saturday.
Allow Quotes
Our research focuses on the oldest stars, and probes the earliest phases of the evolution of our home galaxy, the Milky Way. The unprecedented sample available with RAVE will allow me -- and now, with the release of this data, others -- to test ideas of our origins laid out by various cosmological theories.