Poetry is a matter of life, not just a matter of language.
My old teacher's definition of poetry is an attempt to understand.
Yet, it is true, poetry is delicious; the best prose is that which is most full of poetry.
If a poem is not memorable, there's probably something wrong. One of the problems of free verse is that much of the free verse poetry is not memorable.
In the total darkness, poetry is still there, and it is there for you.
Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive, and widely effective mode of saying things.
And the second question, can poetry be taught? I didn't think so.
If epic poetry is a definite species, the sagas do not fall within it.
Poetry is fascinating. As soon as it begins the poetry has changed the thing into something extra, and somehow prose can go over into poetry.
Poetry is as precise a thing as geometry.
Poetry is rather an approach to things, to life, than it is typographical production.
Poetry is always slightly mysterious, and you wonder what is your relationship to it.
The great watershed of modern poetry is French, more than English.
Poetry is a sword of lightning, ever unsheathed, which consumes the scabbard that would contain it.
I've written some poetry I don't understand myself.
Women do not have as great a need for poetry because their own essence is poetry.
Poetry must have something in it that is barbaric, vast and wild.
Poetry is so vital to us until school spoils it.
Poetry is all that is worth remembering in life.
Hence poetry is something more philosophic and of graver import than history, since its statements are rather of the nature of universals, whereas those of history are singulars.
Poetry is the art of saying what you mean but disguising it.
There is nothing at all that can be talked about adequately, and the whole art of poetry is to say what can't be said.
Poetry is an orphan of silence.
The secret wish of poetry is to stop time.
Poetry is very similar to music, only less notes and more words.
Poetry is not a luxury.
For women, then, poetry is not a luxury. It is a vital necessity of our existence.
I will never cease advising my friends and enemies to read poetry before anything.
Stylized acting and direction is to realistic acting and direction as poetry is to prose.
Poetry is what happens when nothing else can.
...the trouble with poetry is that it encourages the writing of more poetry...
Poetry is as vital to thinking as knowledge.
Good religious poetry... is likely to be most justly appreciated and most discriminately relished by the undevout.
Poetry is not the thing said, but the way of saying it.
Most people ignore most poetry because most poetry ignores most people.
The true evolutionary epic, retold as poetry, is as intrinsically ennobling as any religious epic.
Poetry is what makes my toenails twinkle.
Poetry is something I love to do. Good poetry has an amazing ability to be communicative before it's even understood. I get emotional just from the beauty of words.
Poetry is the disease of the brain.
Poetry is music, and nothing but music. Words with musical emphasis.
Poetry is a dividend from what you know and what you are.
The purpose of poetry is to remind us / how difficult it is to remain just one person...
Poetry is a break for freedom.
What actually makes poetry poetry is of course impossible to define. We recognize it when we hear it, when we see it, but we can't define it.
The poetry is myself.
Poetry is life distilled.
We all need ways to express ourselves, and poetry is one of mine.
Prose is walking; poetry is flying
I started with poetry because it was direct, immediate, and short. It was the ecstasy of striking matches in the dark.
... poetry is fired by love ...
I know that poetry is indispensable, but to what I could not say.
Beauty makes one lose one's head. Poetry is born of this decapitation
Poetry is a religion with no hope.
Poetry is a language pared down to its essentials.
Poetry is talking on tiptoe.
All poetry is misrepresentation.
Gil Thorpe is a great diversion and is to book writing as poetry is to prose.
Poetry is a hazardous occupation, very hazardous. There may be bad things in there inside you that maybe you can't handle.
Poetry is, above all, an approach to the truth of feeling.
The fear of poetry is an indication that we are cut off from our own reality.
Poetry is what makes the invisible appear.
Poetry is a deliberate attempt to make language suggestive and imprecise.
poetry is where the language is renewed.
Poetry is mostly hunches.
Remember, we are mortal, but poetry is not.
I like poetry when I don't quite understand why I like it. Poetry isn't just a question of wrapping something up and giving it to someone else to unwrap. It just doesn't work like that.
Poetry is what is gained in translation.
Poetry is that which is lost in translation.
Poetry is the breath of beauty.
Poetry is a sort of homecoming.
religion is poetry, - poetry is religion.
Poetry is prose in slow motion.
All poetry is political, to some degree.
What I write could only be called poetry because there is no other category to put it.
one of the springs of poetry is joy ...
Poetry is an act of peace.
Poetry is an affair of sanity, of seeing things as they are.
It is fatal to decide, intellectually, what good poetry is because you are then in honour bound to try to write it, instead of the poems that only you can write.
The secret of poetry is cruelty.
The reason we go to poetry is not for wisdom, but for the dismantling of wisdom
The act of making poetry is an act of hope.
Poetry is adolescence fermented, and thus preserved.
Poetry is not truth, it is the resurrection of presences.
Poetry is a counterfeit creation, and makes things that are not, as though they were
Poetry is the apotheosis of sentiment.
Poetry is a subject as precise as geometry.
...to share poetry is one of the most intimate acts of friendship possible...
Poetry is often generations in advance of the thought of its time.
If food is poetry, is not poetry also food?
Poetry is not a way of saying things; it's a way of seeing things.
Poetry is a life-cherishing force.
Poetry is good for unleashing images.
Poetry is either language lit up by life or life lit up by language
Poetry is to be found nowhere unless we carry it within us.
Poetry is what happens when an anxiety meets a technique.
The soundtrack in the poetry is the soundtrack from your own heartbeat.
Poetry is a good medium for revolutionary hope.
The human creature is alone in his carapace. Poetry is a strong way out.
I believe that poetry is a primal impulse within us all.
All poetry is difficult to read - The sense of it anyhow.