Regarded Quotations
Regarded Quotes from:
Assist Quotes
Nationalism of the Irish type is often regarded as reactionary. With the World Revolution and the Classless Society waiting for the midwife, why take a torch to the stable to assist at the birth of a puppy? Even if the puppy is pedigree. On this question I am unable to make up my mind.
Arises Quotes
No one ceases to be a man, no one forfeits his rights to civilization merely by being more or less uncultured, and since the Filipino is regarded as a fit citizen when he is asked to pay taxes or shed his blood to defend the fatherland, why must this fitness be denied him when the question arises of granting him some right?
Allowing Quotes
Whereas in the past optimism had been regarded as rather shallow - because 'oh well, it's just your temperament, you happen to be just a cheerful sort of person' - what I wanted to do was to establish that in fact it is the pessimists who are allowing all kinds of errors to creep into their work.
Although Quotes
As I grew up, I began to discover a little bit about the situation of black people in America and experienced an immediate empathy with the victims of such senseless discrimination. Because although the Turks were never slaves, they were regarded as enemies within Europe because of their Muslim beliefs.
Biological Quotes
Water is commonly regarded as the 'solvent of life,' since our bodies are 70% water. All other vertebrates, invertebrates, microbes, and plants are also primarily water. The organization of water within biological compartments is fundamental to life, and the aquaporins serve as the plumbing systems for cells.
Asia Quotes
Australia - not western in geography, of course, but in every other respect for sure (it certainly doesn't want to be regarded as Asian, God forbid) - loves nothing more than to throw its weight around in South-East Asia by playing peacekeeper, carrying out its role as the United States' regional policeman.
Beyond Quotes
Well, the idea of God as a supreme being means that he is simply like us, writ large, and just bigger and better, the end product of the series; whereas this divine personality that we meet in the Bible was, for centuries, regarded simply as a symbol of a greater transcendence that lay beyond it.
Bad Quotes
For years, I have been stalked by a bad reputation. Actually, I have been pursued by people who have regarded me as the 'Death and Dying' Lady. They believe that having spent more than three decades in research into death and life after death qualifies me as an expert on the subject. I think they miss the point.
Instincts Quotes
I think people who are regarded as better actors must have better instincts because, at the end of the day, once they say 'action,' it's you who has to do it right. You can do all the research and preparation or none at all, but it's your instincts that tell you, 'No, I'll do it like this.'
Considered Quotes
I've always considered myself a Libertarian. While I was running for governor of New Mexico, the Republicans were totally inclusive of me; the party was open-armed, but they never thought I'd win. I delivered in a really big way; I exceeded their expectations and think I'm still highly regarded by the GOP in New Mexico.
Accepted Quotes
Until today, I've always regarded my most profound professional responsibility in my professional life the blessing I had to hold in my hands the human heart, recognizing all its glory and all its potential, and then technically seating it into the chest of a dying woman to give her life and a future she would not otherwise have. . . . A few moments ago, my colleagues gave me a responsibility equal to that -- some would even say a heavier one. I accepted that responsibility with a profound sense of humility. They gave me their confidence, their support, their trust -- and elected me to serve as their leader in the United States Senate.
Anchor Quotes
She will certainly bring a fresh face to the program. But a woman serving as sole anchor on an evening network newscast is so long overdue that it can hardly be regarded as making a powerful statement. ... CBS had a chance to revolutionize the evening news by totally remaking the show. Instead, they are putting a new person into an old, boring format.
Century Quotes
RIBROASTER, n. Censorious language by oneself concerning another. The word is of classical refinement, and is even said to have been used in a fable by Georgius Coadjutor, one of the most fastidious writers of the fifteenth century --commonly, indeed, regarded as the founder of the Fastidiotic School.
Add Quotes
Peter has extensive international auditing experience and is highly regarded as an expert in risk management and internal-audit best practice. These traits, among others, will be of tremendous benefit to Scottish Re and will further add to the company's commitment to regulatory compliance, organizational effectiveness and corporate governance.
Access Quotes
One of the four key components of our business strategy focuses on distribution. This relationship forms a strong foundation for our distribution network. The direct access this provides us to China's most highly regarded hospitals will significantly facilitate the expansion of our distribution network to additional facilities throughout the PRC.
Aim Quotes
I'd love to have written a film and it to be regarded as good. I'd just like to be doing things that are good, really. I think that's all you can aim for. I find it odd when actors say they just want to do films or plays or television. A lot of films aren't very good; a lot of television isn't very good; a lot of plays aren't very good.
Add Quotes
Barry is a highly regarded regulator and is widely respected among the financial services, business and regulatory communities. His experience in handling sophisticated securities enforcement matters and expertise in brokerage firm operations will be invaluable. We are delighted to add such a distinguished lawyer with deep senior-level regulatory and litigation experience to the securities group.
Add Quotes
Larry Hughes's agent informed us that Larry is not returning to Washington, ... He rejected our final offer which we regarded as very fair and very meaningful. We have a lot of outstanding players on this team including All-Stars Gilbert Arenas and Antawn Jamison, and we will add players that will continue to make us a very competitive ball club. Our goals remain the same which is to be a perennial playoff contender.
Burning Quotes
RIMER, n. A poet regarded with indifference or disesteem.The rimer quenches his unheeded fires, The sound surceases and the sense expires. Then the domestic dog, to east and west, Expounds the passions burning in his breast. The rising moon o'er that enchanted land Pauses to hear and yearns to understand. --Mowbray Myles
Article Quotes
My public stand represented a turning point for me and my entire future. The article very quickly became known throughout the world. For a long time the Soviet press contained no mention of the Progress, and later references were either disapproving in the extreme or else ironic. A great many critics, even if sympathetically disposed towards me, regarded my reflections in this work as exceedingly naive and speculative.
Acceptable Quotes
I studied mathematics fairly broadly and I was fortunate enough... also to make a nice discovery relating to manifolds and real algebraic varieties. So I was prepared actually for the possibility that the game theory work would not be regarded as acceptable as a thesis in the mathematics department and then that I could realize the objective of a Ph.D. thesis with the other results.
Etiquette Quotes
I thought it not so much a question of Lehman's beliefs, more an indication of moral downfall. He has always regarded himself as someone who upheld the values of the game and its etiquette but on that day he was way off the mark, to the extent that I will never be able to look on him in the same light again.