Rice Quotations
Rice Quotes from:
Amused Quotes
I knew more about produce from the sea than any of my schoolmates, and my reports in school, from kindergarten on, amused and shocked my classmates and teachers. I told them how we ate with chopsticks, had rice and seaweed for breakfast, raw fish, octopus, and sea urchin eggs for supper, and cakes made from sharks.
Amazing Quotes
Anything salty and crunch is a world of perfection to me. Put chips in front of me, and I will eat to the bottom of the bag. Because I have the tendency to do this, I found these amazing Eden Brown Rice Chips. They're the perfect amount of salt and crunch, and there's nothing in them.
Asia Quotes
As young West Point cadets, our motto was 'duty, honor, country.' But it was in the field, from the rice paddies of Southeast Asia to the sands of the Middle East, that I learned that motto's fullest meaning. There I saw gallant young Americans of every race, creed and background fight, and sometimes die, for 'duty, honor, and their country.'
Bean Quotes
Natto, Japanese ferment bean paste, will never cross my lips again. Spam Musubi, on the other hand, is something I love. I used to have a roommate of Vietnamese descent, and he would eat it all the time. It looked gross, but I finally had it - wrapped in seaweed and rice - it was terrific.
Breasts Quotes
I like to eat Wheaties Fuel for breakfast with fresh fruit and egg whites. For lunch, I like to eat my wife's 'homerun chicken,' which is chicken, rice and vegetables, and for dinner I eat grilled steak or a couple of chicken breasts with rice and vegetables. During the day, I drink OhYeah! protein shakes as a snack.
Behind Quotes
We want to thank Bob Rice for his many years of service to the Company, as a founder, CEO, and Chairman of the Board. Bob has been a visionary in the industry for many years and was the force behind our industry-leading graphics technology platform. We wish him success in his future endeavors.
Almost Quotes
There are eight or nine leading varieties of rice grown in Japan, all of which, except an upland species, require mud, water, and much puddling and nasty work. Rice is the staple food and the wealth of Japan. Its revenues were estimated in rice. Rice is grown almost wherever irrigation is possible.
Absolutely Quotes
Yes, it absolutely suggests that. It sounds to me... as if they had a negotiation between the agency and the NSC over what they were going to say, that the CIA objected strenuously to the idea of asserting it on the basis of U.S. intelligence, and when the NSC came back and said, let's blame it on them, let's attribute it to the British, the CIA, well, on that basis, on part of our negotiation, we withdraw our formal objection. And Condi Rice is saying, he didn't object, therefore, we didn't take it out.
Deal Quotes
Secretary Rice has implemented a subtle but important shift in U.S. policy. There is no question that the lack of flexibility for the negotiators precluded any possibility of getting a deal for the past three years. Clearly, we are now in a period of give-and-take and genuine negotiations.
Deal Quotes
Secretary Rice has implemented a subtle but important shift in U.S. policy, ... There is no question that the lack of flexibility for the negotiators precluded any possibility of getting a deal for the past three years. Clearly, we are now in a period of give-and-take and genuine negotiations.
Bush Quotes
Secretary of State Rice made clear in her remarks that the U.S. favors a referral of Iran to the Security Council for sanctions if negotiations fail, ... because the Bush Administration suspects that Irans uranium enrichment program is a nuclear weapons program, but the resistance from Russia and China to vote for sanctions, may undermine a U.S. referral.
Blake Quotes
Sidney Rice and Blake and all those guys had some super performances, ... Sidney, you know they're trying to stop him. He's close to unstoppable. Everybody's stoppable but he's some player. Little Kenny McKinley made a bunch of key catches all over the place. It was a fun game. This was big for our football program and the University of South Carolina. Hopefully we can gain some confidence and build on it, and not let it get to us.
Against Quotes
She ended up giving up a base hit with one out in the seventh inning last year against Mount Abraham, and then it happened against Rice with two out in the seventh inning. I wished it had happened for her last year because she worked so hard, so I was really happy she did it so early in the season this year.
Beans Quotes
I don't eat Puerto Rican food in L.A. because it's just too much, too addicting, but I know how to cook, so I can easily make it. I just choose not to because you never stop! I think my favorite would be pollo guisado con arroz blanco y habichuelas. I love tostones, I love maduros! I can eat rice and beans all day long!
Bumper Quotes
What is benefitted properties of the lake? Is it just those that are adjacent to the lake or, as in Rice Lake, is it the Lake District, the entire city and properties on the west side of Rice Lake? ... Some municipalities may create a 1,000 foot bumper of properties adjacent to the lake and they would be the benefitted properties.
Amazing Quotes
My training is basically for dialing in my style and my airs, cleaning everything up and pushing myself to go faster in the bumps. John Rice has pretty much given me his mountain. He not only gave me a pass, but the whole mountain to use for training. I am very blessed to have such an amazing ski area as my backyard.