Sympathy Quotations
Sympathy Quotes from:
- Susan Smith
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- George Eliot
- William Shakespeare
- Margaret Jones
- Oscar Wilde
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Albert Schweitzer
- Henry David Thoreau
- Khalil Gibran
- Chiang Kai Shek
- D H Lawrence
- Emily Dickinson
- H L Mencken
- Helen Keller
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
- John Ruskin
- Mason Cooley
- Robert Green Ingersoll
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Communist Quotes
In the early days of the Russian Revolution in 1917, I was completely in sympathy with it. I felt that it established a new era in the history of the modern world. I was so overwhelmed by it that, if people made any unfriendly comment, I would vigorously defend it. If people condemned the Communist party, I would speak in its defense.
Art Quotes
If you want to devote yourself to the arts, you'd better do it strictly from passion, because there is zero guarantee that you'll get anywhere. The hardest thing is dealing with business people who have nothing to do with your art. They could care less that you're up at 4:30 in the morning writing a joke. Don't expect any sympathy from anybody.
Afghans Quotes
As a Scot, I instinctively feel a sympathy towards a culture which is based on generosity. It's very refreshing. Afghans think they're the best people in the world and their country is the best place in the world, and it's strange because you go there and it doesn't really look like it, and yet they assume that everybody else envies them.
Struggle Quotes
We all have to announce our full solidarity with the struggle of those seeking freedom and justice in Syria, and translate this sympathy into a clear political vision that supports a peaceful transition to a democratic system of rule that reflects the demands of the Syrian people for freedom.
Bodies Quotes
When our bodies are sick and people extend their sympathy, bring us soup, offer up solutions. When our minds are sick, people tend to shy away from you, be afraid, or call you outright crazy. I'm fascinated by the way society and individuals view mental illness, and most of my shorts comment on that.