Andrew Goodman
Andrew Goodman
Andrew Goodmanwas one of three American activists of the Civil Rights Movement murdered near Philadelphia, Mississippi, during Freedom Summer in 1964 by members of the Ku Klux Klan...
ProfessionCivil Rights Leader
Date of Birth23 November 1943
CityNew York City, NY
CountryUnited States of America
people identity dignity
A people must have dignity and identity.
book lists used
We're taking requests from customers who are looking for certain used copies. We already found 18 to 20 Louis L'Amour books that were on a customer's request list.
black warning our-society
The current neglect of the problem can only irritate this deplorable state of affairs. The Black Muslims should constitute a warning to our society, a warning that must be heeded if we are to preserve the society.
frustrating ifs
The road to freedom must be uphill, even if it is arduous and frustrating.
cause contempt created degraded group held historical negroes race reaction source white
The source and cause of this need for reaction can be attributed to white contempt and neglect. The historical contempt that the white race held for the Negroes has created a group of rootless degraded people.