Henry Garza Quotations
Henry Garza Quotes about:
Arabs Quotes
We stood out. Me and my brother JoJo were the only two Mexicans in our whole school, and so was my little brother, in elementary school. We would have people come up to us and say, 'What are you?' and we would say, 'Well, what are you? We're just human like you!' They would just freak out. They thought we were Indians or Arabs or Iranians or something.
Bought Quotes
I bought myself a pickup truck, a big one, four doors, with a DVD player for the kids. And I'm proud of it, because to be able to purchase something like that, it's just something we've never been able to do in our family, for generations. But when I bought it, man, I felt like I was stealing something.
Across Quotes
We were kids still in school and playing 24 hours. We would get off school and then go do our homework in the bar right across the street and then play there until one or two in the morning and then grab a few hours' sleep before we went to school. Then the same thing repeated, man, over and over.
Beatles Quotes
First off our father was our biggest influence. He showed us all the songs that we needed, that we learned from. He played us every Beatles tune, every Elvis Presley tune Richie Valens,Ronny Millsap, Willie Nelson Anything that you can name ...Everything old, nothing new. Everything was old, about the only thing new I can think of is like, you know, probably like Stevie Ray and Santana and stuff. You know, they're old but they came later.
Blessed Quotes
Thats why it feels so good right now to receive these blessings that weve been blessed with, which is the people really digging the music, dude, because thats what its about for us. Its not about trying to, not even make records or make money or be stars or anything like. We just want to play music and give it to the world. You give, you shall receive.
Course Quotes
He opened the doors for people to really start seeing us. People want to see what Willie's digging. I never really, like, followed him that much, though being from here, of course I knew of him. I knew what he meant to music and to my dad. Dad always called himself a missing outlaw, so that's what Willie represented. We're actually living dad's dream. It is pretty amazing.
Call Quotes
All of a sudden I'll get a call from JoJo, "Hey man, check this out!" Or you know, like a month later, two months later, sometimes a year later. It's pretty tough when those songs don't wanna come out. Cause when you want them to, they won't and when you don't want them to, they will. So it's better to not want to write a song cause they'll just come, you know?