James Agee
James Agee
James Rufus Ageewas an American author, journalist, poet, screenwriter and film critic. In the 1940s, he was one of the most influential film critics in the U.S. His autobiographical novel, A Death in the Family, won the author a posthumous 1958 Pulitzer Prize...
Date of Birth27 November 1909
CountryUnited States of America
acceptance kissing blow
The deadliest blow the enemy of the human soul can strike is to do fury honor. . . . Official acceptance is the one unmistakable symptom that salvation is beaten again, and is the one surest sign of fatal misunderstanding, and is the kiss of Judas.
mind speech littles
I prefer a little free speech to no free speech at all; but how many have free speech or the chance or the mind for it; and is not free speech here as elsewhere clamped down on in ratio of its freedom and danger?
differences knowing important
I know the most important faculty to develop is one for hard, continuous and varied work and living; but the difference between knowing this and doing anything consistent about it is often abysmal.
girl brain intelligence
A girl's brain is mysterious, but only in a superficial way-a way very exasperating to me.
dry-up mind states
One thing I feel is this: that a great deal of poetry is the product of adolescence-or of an emotionally adolescent frame of mind: and that as this state of mind changes, poetry is likely to dry up.
success spunk gumption
Just spunk won't be enough; you've got to have gumption.
order transition cop
When he ran from a cop, his transitions from accelerating walk to easy jog trot to brisk canter to headlong gallop to flogged-piston sprint . . . were as distinct and as soberly in order as an automatic gearshift.
nice people littles
Well, now, some people learn a little quicker than others. It's nice to learn fast but it's nice to take your time too.
suicide jobs hate
I suspect the fault...is in me: that I hate any job on earth, as a job and a hindrance and a semi-suicide.
summer mother quilts
By some chance, here they are, all on this earth; and who shall ever tell the sorrow of being on this earth, lying, on quilts, on the grass in a summer evening, among the sounds of the night. May God bless my people, my uncle, my aunt, my mother, my good father, oh, remember them kindly in their time of trouble; and in the hour of their taking away.
lying errors littles
Truth lies within a little and certain compass, but error is immense.