Matthew Caws Quotations
Album Quotes
We made the album and when they didn't want to put it out, they didn't give it back to us. I think, morally speaking, that's a definite flaw in the modus operandi of majors. That M.O. doesn't make any allowance for the emotional and moral side -- we wrote these songs, they belong to us.
Decide Quotes
I thought, you know, I have a shot at being happy here because this is such an exciting and lucky time for me. Instead of fighting demons, sometimes it's tempting to just say, well they don't exist. That's it. They're done. I'm defeating them by decree ... I can decide to be happy and be fine.
Against Quotes
We were working the whole time. We never quit. I mean, things got slow and we didn't have a lot to do. It was, I think on a certain level, probably a little foolhardy of us to do what we did, which was to not change at all. We didn't break up. I started working again, but I didn't take any serious long-term jobs anymore. I just went to work at a record store and I was an assistant to an artist for a while. I still wrote some freelance articles here and there. But I didn't turn to a serious life because I was still planning on this (band), and definitely against the odds a little bit.
Airplane Quotes
I could have done without a few years in the middle there where I was really struggling to pay the rent. That was rough. But, hey, that's a cheap price to pay to be able to keep this hobby as my job. When I was 11, I liked making those airplane models. And then when I was 12 and 13, I really liked listening to records. It was the next thing and I got to hang out on this one. I'm still there.