Pete Rose Quotations
Pete Rose Quotes about:
Ballpark Quotes
Umpires got power, man. You ever notice if you go to a ballpark and there's a close play on first base, they will not run the replay at the ballpark? I've seen umpires go underneath and call up and say if you run one more of those replays, we're gonna forfeit the game. That's how strong their union is.
Baseball Quotes
Mr. Selig looked at me and said, 'I want to know one thing. Did you bet on baseball?' ... I looked him in the eye. 'Sir, my daddy taught me two things in life -- how to play baseball and how to take responsibility for my actions. I learned the first one pretty well. The other, I've had some trouble with. Yes, sir, I did bet on baseball.'
Africa Quotes
It's the best part of music when we play music for free to give back to people. My band always plays better and I always play better when I know I'm playing for free to help heal or benefit or feed or educate someone. . . . It doesn't matter how many times you do concerts for Africa or South America or Indians. If people steal some of it, keep doing it. They can't steal all of it.