I think it must have happened right before dark. She would have gone in at dark.
My responsibility is to develop programs to teach Arkansas history.
Many adults who set aside time for Jewish studies choose to study texts or other subjects, rather than learning Hebrew.
You have to break the bond of me as 'Mommy,' by having the dogs willing to work with other people.
I've never been a big fan of indoor meets, but something must have gone right today. It's a really good start to the season.
A lot of people come in regularly, like every month, and get it done.
The lady gave us permission to use the car. She asked us to watch her baby while the baby was sleeping in the back.
It helps when you drag your children along with you.
Andrea is a good shooter. We were told not to shoot too soon. Andrea showed a lot of maturity. Everyone really stepped up. This is so amazing. I am so proud.