Willie Taylor Quotations
Ball Quotes
I was hoping we could keep pressure on them the entire game. As the game started to wear down, we started looking at the clock a bit. With the young kids, that is going to happen. We felt coming in here that we could win. We should have run the ball some more. We also might have been one kid short.
Ashley Quotes
I think last year's team was bigger and more powerful ? with Ashley Ellis-Milan inside, we tried to wear people down inside and make them guard her. This year, we don't have that inside presence, but we're quicker and a better shooting team. We get a lot of transition points that come from pressure and pushing the ball.
Angel Quotes
This is the first year this has happened for us. It worked out really well for us. Angel came in and helped right away. She's a good player, a good leader and the kids respect her. Angel lives as close to Central as any of our kids. She lives in this community; all of our kids knew Angel.