large number of lower-middle class and middle-class Americans struggling to make it paycheck-to-paycheck will be short of discretionary income during the holiday shopping season.
While companies seemed to be hoarding workers post-merger or acquisition through February, it appears that this is not the case anymore. While we do not have our own merger job-cut data for March tabulated yet, we know a large number of merger-related cuts were announced.
Today's CEO is under fire from a number of sectors, ... Not only are shareholders demanding higher and higher returns, directors are far more active and government agencies are increasingly putting them under the microscope.
Benefits are much worse for part-time workers. The number of people without health care insurance has gone over 40 million.
As the number of people in these towns increases, so will the demand for products and services, which will, of course, result in more jobs.
Changes at the top are typically followed by changes further down the ladder. However, the high number of job cuts this year could also be leading to CEO changes.
Changes at the top are typically followed by changes further down the ladder, ... However, the high number of job cuts this year could also be leading to CEO changes.
A growing number of unemployed Americans waste time browsing the estimated 4,000 to 5,000 online job sites, blanketing them with resumes, and then waiting for callbacks. It is a formula for long-drawn-out joblessness.
A growing number of people may see companies in the private sector as putting profits before people and before ethics,
The Internet still offers viable business opportunities as the number of people with Internet access increases, ... As a result, we will continue to see job growth in this area but it probably will never again match the explosive growth of a couple of years ago.