Closing Quotations
Closing Quotes from:
Companies Quotes
Corporate tax reform is nice in theory but tough in practice. It most likely requires lower tax rates and the closing of loopholes, which many companies are sure to fight. And whatever new, lower tax rate is determined, there will probably be another country willing to lower its rate further, creating a sad race to zero.
Experience Quotes
I know a lot of people love applications on their phone, but I'm like, 'Yeah, I understand the nice experience, but there's something about it that doesn't flow well.' Opening an app, closing it, moving to something else. There's something about the open web that's very free flowing.
Adopting Quotes
I feel when acting, I am sometimes overly self-conscious; I think, 'Going, no, don't, put your eyebrow back where it was and, you know, turn to the left.' You know, I'm sort of very consciously adopting this character. But with music, I don't know. I found it was a question of just closing my eyes and just sort of letting things come out.
Bill Quotes
We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way. Somebody will say, 'Oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people.
Admit Quotes
Where others might have faltered, you rose to the occasion, ... This is not just my opinion, which I admit is biased. This is a view that is shared throughout INS and by your peers in other law enforcement agencies, far and wide, here and abroad. They have described Operation Reunion as a textbook example of operations preparation and execution. It also proved to be the pivotal step in closing one of the most difficult chapters in the history of INS work.
Amount Quotes
Whether this represents a small gain or small loss on the sale will depend on when the final closing is held since the mortgage values will change and the amount of credit we get for prepaid items will change between now and the closing date that is set after they do their due diligence.
Almost Quotes
With them closing the road like this, basically without giving anybody any notice, it's almost like they wanted to avoid pressure from the neighborhood public there. If they would have announced this a couple of months ago, people would have started complaining - and they might not have gotten their project done.
Bear Quotes
We were at 10,000 feet in Utah and I was running out of gas. I was in boots that were leather-soled. The bear was closing in. Now, he's supposed to be playing. Once I started to run, he got really excited. Pretty soon he was chasing me. And I said if this guy gets me, his idea of play is going to be the end of me. So I threw the rifle out and got on that tree so fast. Now, once it was done, I mean, I was sweating bullets. I said, not again. Not again.
Against Quotes
We really grew up, especially with that win in Game 3. We came in and our backs were against the wall. They came out with tons of energy at home and we were very resilient and got the win in Game 3. But that says a lot about our character coming in in Game 4 and really closing them out.
Answer Quotes
Mentally, is closing tougher than a hitter going out there with 600 at-bats to produce ... tougher than a starting pitcher? For the great closer, it's as tough. He watches the club for eight innings. Then if he goes out there and screws it up, he's got 24 guys to answer to. It's a heck of a deal. Some guys can't handle it.
Continue Quotes
Of course, not everything is finished yet and the IOC will continue to worry until after the closing ceremony, just as we do at every Olympic Games. The remaining test events will give the games organizers vital opportunities to further improve on plans that have been drawn up for the venues now being completed.
Call Quotes
I wouldn't call it a hard landing. I think it will be tough to make money, but to me a hard landing is when not everyone is losing money, closing plants and jobs are being lost. This is a record year. I would really hate to think they need a new level of record sales to stay profitable because I don't think that's sustainable.
Apparently Quotes
I don't know why all of a sudden the holy grail of security and safety is now closing records. It seems to me we would be more secure if we knew what was going on around us. ... Apparently there are those in government who want to close all these records and say, 'We'll keep you safe, trust us.
Art Quotes
I felt most beautiful on the red carpet in Givenchy's sheer lace dress at a dinner hosted by Givenchy in honor of Marina Abramovich at the closing of her Museum of Modern Art retrospective, 'The Artist is Present', in 2010. It was the first time I had been dressed for an event, and everybody just fell in love with the dress.
Came Quotes
He was down 5-2 in the third set and came back and won. He really did a good job coming back. He's had trouble closing matches this year. He was up 5-1 in the third set earlier in the year and lost and he was up earlier this week and lost in the third set. I think he's learning how to close matches now -- hopefully.
Contribute Quotes
He has exceeded any expectations you would have for someone less than a year out of the draft. Certainly, we probably expected a little more out of him because of the person he is and because of his background, and we all went into spring training hoping he would be ready to contribute at some point this year, but never expecting he'd be closing games in June.
Apart Quotes
We've been watching our own Microsoft(R) internal marketplace service for the past couple of years and were inspired by employee behaviors. Regardless of the transaction, we noticed that trust and convenience are the key factors to closing a deal. What sets Windows Live Expo apart is that people can set their own search parameters for goods and services. They can define their own marketplace universe.
Apart Quotes
We've been watching our own Microsoft internal marketplace service for the past couple of years and were inspired by employee behaviors. Regardless of the transaction, we noticed that trust and convenience are the key factors to closing a deal. What sets Windows Live Expo apart is that people can set their own search parameters for goods and services. They can define their own marketplace universe.