A proverb is good sense brought to a point.
There is no proverb without a grain of truth
The proverb answers where the sermon fails, as a well-charged pistol will do more execution than a whole barrel of gunpowder idly exploded in the air
Let hope inspire you, but let not idealism blind you. Proverb Don't look back, you can never look back.
May as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. English Proverb
Never love with all your heart, it only ends in breaking. English Proverb
Poor men seek meat for their stomach, rich men stomach for their meat. English Proverb
For us, the Chinese proverb must be restated: we do not want the gift of a fish; neither do we expect a lesson on fishing; what we direly need is a chance to fish,
No rose without a thorn, or a love without a rival. Turkish Proverb
The young can't teach traditions to the old. - Yoruba proverb
This "Know Yourself" is a silly proverb in some ways; To know the man next door is a much more useful rule
There's an old Chinese proverb that says the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. If a woman can make simple pledges to change the small things, she's well on her way to leading a fuller, healthier life.
There's an old African proverb that I have on my desk that says a lot about partnerships. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Before the chicken carefully observe the character of your guest. Mandingo proverb
An ancient proverb summed it up: when a wizard is tired of looking for broken glass in his dinner, it ran, he is tired of life.
As the Spanish proverb says, ''He who would bring home the wealth of the Indies, must carry the wealth of the Indies with him.'' So it is in travelling; a man must carry knowledge with him, if he would bring home knowledge.