Correction Quotations
Correction Quotes from:
Both Quotes
Since news breaks on digg very quickly, we face the same issues as newspapers which print a retraction for a story that was misreported. The difference with digg is that equal play can be given to both sides of a story, whereas with a newspaper, a retraction or correction is usually buried.
Affection Quotes
Christlike communications are expressions of affection and not anger, truth and not fabrication, compassion and not contention, respect and not ridicule, counsel and not criticism, correction and not condemnation. They are spoken with clarity and not with confusion. They may be tender or they may be tough, but they must always be tempered.
Bit Quotes
We've seen investment in capacity go up quite a bit and we had a scare this summer with wireless. So you can make a case that the business is in trouble. We try to focus on slightly longer-term fundamentals. The relationship between spending and revenue in this business is still reasonable. Visibility is still good. Pricing is good. Let's not forget, wireless handset demand is growing 50 percent over year-on-year. So with stocks down a bit and the fundamentals still solid, we though it was time to declare the mid-cycle correction over.
Economy And Economics Quotes
I believe the worst of the decline in the 'old economy' stocks is over, ... and I think what we're seeing here is a consolidation phase, even though this consolidation phase is probably taking place at the lower end of the trading range. I don't believe that yesterday's decline in Nasdaq is the beginning of any major correction just yet. Now, that is not to say that we're not going to have a correction. Indeed, we are. But I just believe that there is sufficient money out there and sufficient demand for these tech stocks yet, and that is not going to disappear so quickly. What we saw yesterday was little profit-taking after a spectacular week.
Cluster Quotes
But that doesn't imply the end of special-purpose accelerators. Today we use accelerators for specific, well-defined functions like encryption or error correction in conjunction with processor clusters. I think a completely 'clean' cluster of processors without specialized hardware would not survive in the market.
Change Quotes
I feel that we were so long overdue a correction after the euphoria around the New Year. In the big scheme of things the only thing that worries me is that if those investors who use fundamentals to evaluate stocks change their view, then we could have seen a top that will last for some time.
Couple Quotes
I don't think we're in a correction but I think we're in a very necessary leveling off period. A correction is probably over 10 percent down from the current levels and I don't think there's any reason for us to see that, but I do think given that the fact that the markets went up 7 or 8 percent in less than two months of the new year that we have to have perhaps have a couple of months time when the market doesn't go anywhere.
Bring Quotes
If the Fed's concern has been about the overall level of stock prices, and it has also been about the multiplier effect of wealth creation, then clearly having a correction like this may well lend itself to their deliberations of what they will do next. At the end of the day, they may well bring in that quarter of a point, but even that's in jeopardy now.
Benign Quotes
I think the main thing that's going right for the market is that we still have a very healthy economy, with rising earnings and benign inflation. On a technical side, I think the correction ended three weeks ago. The market has been slowly recovering its sea legs. We had five days up in a row on the Nasdaq composite, and that is the reason why the profit taking yesterday. But the big picture still remains very positive,
Barbecue Quotes
I think we're in a significant inventory correction in the economy. What's happening now is people who make cars and barbecue grills are getting their inventories in line, then they're getting their product in line. But the number of cars and barbecue grills being bought is still rising,
Attempting Quotes
Ottumwa Regional Hospital and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Regional Office are attempting to work through the issues at hand. It is very rare for CMS to withdraw Medicare funding due to these types of violations, especially when the hospital is working to correct them. And, it is my understanding that the hospital will be submitting a plan of correction to CMS shortly.
Almost Quotes
The 19-percent rally in Nasdaq stocks was a big turnaround. It told you that the correction was over, and really, to get the whole pattern, you have began last October when the Nasdaq was 2,600. It actually doubled to the March high of almost 5,200. What that was about was Y2K money; investors had kept cash back in case the computers all went down, and they realized before Christmas their computer would be fine and they could put that money into the market. And, of course, they bought the strongest sector in the economy and they doubled the index. Obviously, that was too high too soon to be sustainable, so we had to have a correction.
Capitalize Quotes
When it is going straight up it makes it very difficult to do deals because people's expectations go straight up as well. I think a correction just makes people realize that it is a real world out there and I think it makes the opportunities easier for us to capitalize on in the next little while.
Argument Quotes
Those are the stocks that have worked this year. There's a lot of argument right now in the marketplace about valuations; the top 50 stocks in the S&P are way overvalued. You have to stick with the horses that have gotten you to where you are on a year-to-date basis, and I believe those are the stocks that will carry us after the correction that we're in the process of having right now through the end of the year.